Pro/ENGINEER Functionality

    Pro/ENGINEER Functionality

The basic functionality of Pro/ENGINEER is broken into four major areas:

         Part Modeling and Design

         Assembly Modeling and Design

         Design Documentation (Drawing Generation)

         General Functionality 


Part Design and Modeling

Defining Geometry - Feature-Based Design

Create sketched features including protrusions, cuts, and slots made by either extruding, revolving, or sweeping along a 2D sketched trajectory, or blending between parallel sections 
Create pick and place features, such as holes, shafts, chamfers, rounds, shells, regular drafts, flanges, ribs, etc. 

Sketch cosmetic features 

Reference datum planes, axes, points, curves, coordinate systems, and 

        graphs for creating non-solid reference datum

Manipulating Geometry and Parametric Modeling

Modify, delete, suppress, redefine, and reorder features, as well as making features "read-only" 

Create table-driven parts by adding dimensions to the family table 

Capture design intent by creating relations between part dimensions and parameters 

Generate engineering information, including mass properties of parts, model cross sections, and reference dimensions 

Create geometric tolerances and surface finishes on models 

Assign density, units, material properties or user-specified mass properties to a model 

Additional functionality available through Pro/FEATURE.

   Assembly Design

   Place components and subassemblies using commands like mate, align, and insert to         create full product assemblies

       Disassemble components from an assembly

       Modify assembly placement offsets

       Create and modify assembly datum planes, coordinate systems, and cross sections

        Modify part dimensions in assembly mode

        Generate engineering information, bills of materials, reference dimensions, and           assembly mass properties

         Additional functionality available through Pro/ASSEMBLY

Design Documentation (Model  Drawings):

Create numerous types of drawing views, including general, projection, auxiliary, detailed, exploded, partial, area cross-section, and perspective 
Perform extensive view modifications, including changing the view scale and the bound-aries of partial or detailed views, adding projection and cross-section view arrows, & creating snapshot views 
Create drawings with multiple models, delete a model from a drawing, set and high-light the current model of a drawing 

Use a sketch as a parametric drawing format 

Manipulate dimensions, including show, erase, switch view, flip arrows, move dimen-sions, text, or attach points 

Modify dimension values and number of digits 

Create, show, move, erase, and switch view for standard notes 

Include existing geometric tolerances in drawing notes 

Update the model geometry to incorporate design changes 

Markup drawings to indicate changes to be made 

Export a drawing IGES file 

Additional functionality available through Pro/DETAIL. 


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